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Concrete Roof Tile Restoration


The reality is that Concrete tiles do in fact deteriorate over time. Concrete roofing tiles generate about 120 degrees of surface temperature where the ambient daily temperature is 30 Degrees, most summers. As a result, the tiles surface takes a hammering year in year out with rain, wind & pollution all contributing to the wear & tear of the concrete roof tiles surface. Initially, the tiles surface will oxidise & become powdery; once the surface coating is gone the sand cement component of the tile also becomes affected by way of erosion. 


Step 1: Clean Roof


Once all the roof has been checked for any broken tiles, and replaced if needed, the entire roof is washed with our high pressure machines using turbo type nozzles. The roof, gutters and surrounding areas are then rinsed clean once this is complete.


Step 2: Repoint ridge cappings & replace/repair broken tiles​ 


After any necessary repairs to flashings, valleys or damaged battens, the ridge cappings and gables are then pointed with the Flexi-Point Ridge Security System, AS2050-1995

Step 3: Apply Sealer (Primer) Coat


Now the roof has been cleaned and the ridge cappings pointed, we will apply a clear coat of sealer which will seal the tiles and create an ideal surface for the paint coatings.


Step 4: Apply Paint Coatings


Once all trimming out has been finished, it is time to apply two coats of acrylic roof membrane paint to the tiles. This leaves the tiles newly rejuvenated and shining beautifully.

Concrete Tiles
Terracotta Roof Tiles​

Moss & Lichen is attracted to the roof tiles surface & if left will grow & most likely restrict the flow of rain water over the tiles surface into the roofs gutters. An application of an environmentally friendly anti-fungal solution should be applied to all moss & lichen prior to undertaking the roof cleaning process.


Once the anti-fungal treatment is applied, the roof tile surface is high pressure cleaning using around 5000psi of straight water pressure. A turbo type nozzle should be used when using such high powered water pressure.


Removing the Moss & Lichen will bring the tiles natural colour to light & help ensure the roof performs as it was designed.

Colorbond Roof Painting​

It is widely believed that Colorbond metal roofs never lose their coating, which is in fact untrue. In order to keep your roof in shape and avoid rusting, it is recommended to re coat your metal sheeting. The process is similar to that of a concrete tile; pressure clean, check/replace screws where needed, prime for any rust, sealer coat and two coats of paint.

Other Services​

We provide a range of other services to maintain your home, these include:


  • Gutter cleaning

  • Gutter replacement (dependant on gutter profile)

  • Leaf gutter guard installation

  • Driveway cleaning



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